IP Protection

Keep the Keys to your IP Vault

At Eastek, we understand and respect that the protection of your Intellectual Property is vitally important to you, which is why Eastek applies the following processes and tools regarding your IP:

Secure servers and mandatory NDA

No photos policy

Fully secure plant locations

Managed logistics by trained staff

Assure your IP Protection

Because we remain in complete control of your product throughout the entire design and manufacturing process, we can ensure Intellectual Property Protection under U.S. law.

Certified production facilities and dedicated staff

Our mission is to provide our customers with the expert solutions to build the products that matter to them.

Our Process


Concept Introduction

We'll consult to discuss your goals, budget, timeline, and specifications to find the best solution for you.


Design Review & Feedback

Our engineers will start developing your product with high quality materials that fit your specific requirements.


Production and Distribution

Our team will produce and distribute your product with quality control measures, meeting high standards.


Design & Manufacturing
Optimization & Cost Reduction

Our team will collaborate with you to optimize the design for cost savings and maximum production reliability.


Lifecycle Management

Our customer experience team cares for your product even after launch.

Frequently asked questions

IP protects genuine business assets that may be integral to the core services of the business and overall long-term viability
There are four types of IP in manufacturing: Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights and Trade Secrets. Eastek partners with our customers to monitor and protect all of these forms of IP.
Eastek employees are required to take a cyber-security training course each year, which is led by our IT department and coincides with a written test. In this training, employees are briefed on the importance of keeping information safe and best practices when it comes to email and sharing of information. Our IT department is confident in the security of our server and can limit employee access to information that needs additional security.
Eastek employees have contractual agreement not to share IP with any other customers.
IP’s are subject to US laws and regulations Signed NDA in place with customers and suppliers Secure product data server/backup No customer branded drawings sent to suppliers No photo policy Sign-in/Sign-out and escort policy for all visitors CCTV coverage of grounds and manufacturing cells Eastek managed logistics and customs compliance In-house tool manufacturing, molding, and assembly for high-IP components 24×7 guarded entrances Documented IP awareness training for key personnel

Design and Build products that matter